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Addressing fears about industrial emissions

Eco renewable and alternative energy

Currently, the trend of globalization is focusing on environmental protection. Therefore, clean energy is constantly being focused on and widely used. In particular, Vietnam is one of the geographical regions with the most favorable natural conditions for developing clean energy sources.

So let’s find out what clean energy is and how many pure energy forms are there?

The use of raw materials from coal, oil, gas, etc., is causing severe impacts on the environment. Especially the phenomena of the greenhouse effect, acid rain, air pollution, water and soil pollution, etc., have been directly affecting people’s health and life. Accordingly, a new form of energy was discovered. That is clean energy.

What is clean energy?

Clean energy is a form of energy that does not create harmful wastes that affect the surrounding environment in the process of doing work itself. Usually, clean energy sources are available from nature or natural products, so they do not cause pollution and are less depleted—for example, water energy, wind energy, solar energy, etc.

Clean energy is usually provided and produced from fossil energy (coal, oil, gas) and nuclear energy. Energy sources must be based on the use of clean energy conversion technology. Ensure environmental friendliness throughout the production process. At the same time, clean energy production sites must also ensure that the process complies with environmental protection regulations.

What is clean energy?

What types of clean energy are there?

Currently, in the world, the clean energy industry is highly developed. More and more types of clean energy are discovered and tested. Typically: Fuel cells, solar energy, wind, water, waste vegetable oil, snow energy, fermentation energy, geothermal energy, Methane Hydrate, etc.



Solar energy uses semiconductor panels to capture light and heat radiation from the Sun. It is then used to supply other equipment such as light bulbs, water heaters, electrical appliances, etc. Japan, the US, and some Western European countries are the top places in using energy sources. The Sun (from the 50s of the last century). This technology is widely used in the Central Highlands and South Central provinces in our country.

Water power

The use of water from rivers and streams is one of the most widely applied clean energy sources. Hydroelectricity relies on the water in large rivers to turn turbines to generate electricity. In addition, the energy source from the ocean is also wealthy. Waves and tides are used to spin turbines that generate electricity. The generated power can be used directly for equipment operating at sea, such as lighthouses, buoys, piers, navigation systems, etc.

Wind energy

Wind energy

Wind energy is considered the most abundant and abundant source of green energy today, and it is present everywhere. People use wind power to turn turbines to generate electricity for use in life. Currently, in Vietnam, with favorable geographical conditions, the coastline is long, the wind volume is high and evenly distributed all year round. This will be a form of energy focused on developing in the present and the future.

Energy from the snow

Japan’s Bihai Natural Energy Research Association has successfully used snow to cool warehouses and make air conditioners in buildings when the weather is hot. According to this project, snow is stored in the warehouses to keep the temperature from 0oC to 4oC. This is the ideal temperature used to preserve agricultural products, thus reducing production and product costs.

Geothermal energy

This is an energy source located deep under the islands and volcanoes. This energy can be obtained by drawing hot water from thousands of meters deep underground to run electric turbines. In our country, the study of geothermal energy sources began in the 80s and 90s of the 20th century through preliminary investigation and assessment of the potential of geothermal resources across the country. However, up to now, this energy source has not been exploited.

Fuel cells

The fuel cell is a technology that can provide energy to humans without emitting CO2 or any other harmful gases. Fuel cells produce electricity directly by a reaction between hydrogen and oxygen or methanol and oxygen. Hydrogen occurs from natural gas sources, and methanol is obtained from biological waste. Because they are not burned, they do not emit harmful emissions.

The leader in this field is Japan. The country produces many different fuel cell sources. They were used for vehicles, vehicles, and civil appliances such as mobile phones.

Clean energy from biological fermentation

The biological fermentation of household waste creates this energy source. Accordingly, they will be classified and put into storage tanks. Let it ferment to produce methane gas. This gas will make the engine work, thereby producing electricity. Once the decomposition is complete, the remainder is used as fertilizer.

Methane hydrate

Methane hydrate is considered a potential energy source deep underground. It is white like ice. This is a crystalline substance consisting of water and methane molecules. It is stable at low temperature and high pressure. Most are found beneath permafrost and deep geological formations beneath the ocean floor. This is an excellent alternative to oil and coal.

Benefits of clean energy:

  • For the environment and people: Clean energy minimizes negative impacts on the environment. Accordingly, using this type of energy will help people reduce emissions that adversely affect the living environment around us. It also ensures human health.
  • For the country: Using clean energy is directly related to forming a civilized lifestyle and sustainable development. In addition, it also creates regional economic potential. And vigorously develop the energy security of the whole country.

When the shortage of fuel increases day by day, the use of fossil energy sources is depleting day by day. The earth is warming day by day because of climate change due to environmental pollution. Therefore, clean energy is a direction of the future.

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